Alternatives to orphanages are community and family based care and support systems, which can be either formal or informal, government or NGO supported. If you are visiting a “developing” country like Cambodia, find out what those alternative support mechanisms are. Some of the options include Family Preservation activities, Placement with relatives, and Community-Based family Foster-Care, with either community or NGO support.

Search online, or ask around, to see if there is a community based program which you could donate to, or support, rather than an orphanage. Is there an NGO (‘charity’) promoting or developing any of these initiatives? If so, and they are doing good work, spread the word. If you or your organization is considering opening yet another orphanage, seek out alternative options. Look to partner with, grow, or support family based care options or programs reintegrating “orphans” with their families or communities, and if you have the skills, passion, drive, and long-term commitment to the project development, only then consider starting one on your own. Just take the time to seek out programs and interventions in which children return to their homes at the end of the day.

Search online, or ask around, to see if there is a community based program which you could donate to, or support, rather than an orphanage. Is there an NGO (‘charity’) promoting or developing any of these initiatives? If so, and they are doing good work, spread the word. If you or your organization is considering opening yet another orphanage, seek out alternative options. Look to partner with, grow, or support family based care options or programs reintegrating “orphans” with their families or communities, and if you have the skills, passion, drive, and long-term commitment to the project development, only then consider starting one on your own. Just take the time to seek out programs and interventions in which children return to their homes at the end of the day.