featured news article
Al Jazeera: Cambodia’s Orphan Business
Al Jazeera: When volunteering becomes big business
'Between the 1970s and 1990s, Cambodia was ravaged by civil war. Since its return to peace there has been a boom in tourism with over two million visitors every year. Keen to help this war-torn country, increasing numbers of tourists are now also working as volunteers. Most come with the very best of intentions - to work in schools and orphanages, filling a gap left by a lack of development funding...'Asia LIFE Cambodia: Family Healing
Alaska Dispatch: Cambodia’s baby-stealing problem, can it be solved?
Go SE Asia: Orphanages in Cambodia are Not Tourist Attractions
PeterGreenberg.com: Orphanage Voluntourism: Helping or Hurting?
CNN GO: Volnutourism does more harm than good
M&C: Neglect and exploitation found in Cambodian oprhanages
MCAI: Improving care for children living in institutions
Good Intentions: Problems with orphanages in Haiti and Cambodia
The Guardian: Before you pay to volunteer abroad, think of the harm you might do
Asia-Pacific News: Cambodian government to investigate orphanages after UN concern
Orphan Central: Volunteer Tourism
DW World: UNICEF – Cambodia’s orphans not really orphans
BBC News: Britain on child sex abuse charge in Cambodian orphanage